Actor Details Card Component

This is a component from an IMDB reimagining I'm working on.

Addressing some things with this component that I wish the real IMDB had.

  • Sometimes, there's a disconnect between what an actor is 'known for' (however they decide that), and what I would recognise them from. Therefore, the first list of credits consists of movies/TV shows that I've already watched.

  • I've always wanted an easy way to see how the actor looks in the movie/TV show. Changing the avatar by hovering a movie title solves this.

  • For some actors (especially lesser known ones), I always forget their name or how they look like in real life, but I'll always remember the character they played. Therefore, being able to add a nickname to an actor's info card would be very useful

Prototype in Figma.

Note: The "sliding open" animation is a bit funky but that's just what I got from Figma's smart animate. Figuring out what's going on there isn't that important for a project still mostly in the wireframing stage.

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Posted on May 13, 2024

More by Jasper D'haene

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