QPV Logo Sketches

Let me spill the beans on how we approach logo design at Altalogy – it's all about embracing the traditional charm of pen and paper. 📝

So, why do we swear by this old-school method? Well, first off, it's like opening a floodgate of creativity. 🎉 No digital distractions, just the pure flow of ideas onto the page. The freedom to iterate is another huge perk. There's something liberating about scribbling, crossing out, and redoing without the constraints of digital perfection. Plus, this method lets us rapidly explore a multitude of visual possibilities – it's like brainstorming on steroids.

It's the foundation where our creativity takes shape and sets the stage for digital refinement. Catch you on the flip side of innovation! 🙌

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Posted on Aug 22, 2023

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