My Best Nine (2022)

2022 — Another year in the books. Another obligatory »Best Nine« post at the end of the year. While this is a yearly tradition and routine it doesn’t really feel that way as I’m very lucky in following my dream job every day.

I’m so thankful for everyone who followed my work and even bothered to write me and/or liked, commented and shared my work. This is not self-evident at all considering all the online noise with countless reels and hypes. I have made it my mission to create this place the way I like to see it in others: not much excitement and noise but a lot of love for the good, the true, the beautiful and timeless excellence.

Thanks to everyone who is interested in my work and wants to collaborate with me. And very special thanks to all clients. You make it possible for me to feed my family and use my gifts in a meaningful way.

Special thanks to those who were part of my first Kickstarter campaign and bothered to back the Cross deck. Can't wait to hear your feedback when you get your hands on the deck in February. In this spirit I wish you all a blessed and beautiful new year 2023!

»You aspire to great things? Begin with the little ones.« —St. Augustine

My Best Nine (2021)

My Best Nine (2020)

My Best Nine (2019)

My Best Nine (2018)

My Best Nine (2017)

My Best Nine (2016)

Peter Voth
Aiming for the Good, the True & the Beautiful.

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