Art Deco style illustration - Art Nouveau, 1963 SL230

As an extension of Art-Deco style illustration, I tried to create a vintage Mercedes roadster with Art-Deco style illustration (gradient and emphasizing key area - I think that's one of the important points).

For the background, I put the top part of the Darmstadt Artists' Colony(The wedding building) in Darmstadt, Germany. That looks like an Art-Deco style building, but inside of this building has many Art-Nouveau style designs. Opened in 1908(Planned by an Austrian architect Joseph Maria Olbrich) to display the artist's work, the tower is a landmark of Darmstadt. To me, the overall shape looks like Art-Deco but the details might follow the Art-Nouveau style.

For more information about the wedding building, please visit

Thanks for seeing this and feel free to let me know if you have an Art-Deco style illustration project. :)

dongkyu lim
Illustrator & Designer @thestudiokyu

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