D Blitz.

This is an internal Recruitment App. After having gathered pain-points and delighters from our HR team, we built out an application for panelists which would enable them to learn about current/ upcoming hiring events, candidates assigned and an integrated feedback form to be filled out after each interview.

A dark mode was proposed keeping in mind it was an on-the-go app for all panelists where the intent was to finish submitting evaluation in less than a few minutes!

Our critical components included multi level navigation, interactive steppers, interview round progress bars, cards and tags. All primary CTAs eliminated the use of text and were visually indicated by their forms(check mark for Ok, front and back chevron for navigation between pages etc). The candidate evaluation sheet consisted of different criteria to gauge the candidate by rating them on a scale of 1 to 5. There was also additional feature to type comments for that respective criteria which acted as notes to be considered by the reviewer.

More by Brinda Desai

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